U.S. company advances search for platinum in Guyana

A United States’ mining corporation is currently conducting exploration for platinum group minerals in Guyana under an exclusive agreement with the government.

The company, Mojave Gold Corporation, announced on Tuesday that it has collaborated with another firm, GlobalMin, LLC, to accelerate work in Guyana after more than a decade of substantial field and analytical work done by retired Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG) Chief Geochemist Dr Paul Lechler. GlobalMin is a privately-held mining exploration company based in Carson City, Nevada, and managed by Dr Lechler and John Van de Sand, a mining engineer with more than 30 years’ mining business experience. Mojave, also privately owned, engages in exploring areas for potential gold or platinum group minerals mining, identifying several domestic and international sites of interest.

Since October 2010, Mojave has worked with GlobalMin to establish a corporate presence in Guyana and negotiate terms of an exclusive geological licence. Through their joint efforts, GlobalMin Guyana Inc was formed in Guyana and became a subsidiary of GlobalMin LLC.

Mojave and GlobalMin have since negotiated with the Guyana government the terms of an exclusive permit, ‘Permission for Geological and Geophysical Survey’. Prime Minister Samuel Hinds led the negotiations, while the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) reviewed the procedures.

Last March, the prime minister signed the permit granting GlobalMin Guyana Inc exclusive control of approximately 4.4 million acres for exploring platinum group minerals. The permit also allows for subsequent licence upgrades, including exclusive PGM mining rights, within the negotiated area.

“Now that we’ve been granted protection through an exclusive permit, we can accelerate the collection of geological information without concern of interference from outside parties,” Dr Lechler stated. He noted that the Guyana government has always been supportive of his work during the years. He further added that “field data results and analysis continue to favour Guyana in becoming a platinum group minerals industry player.”

Additionally, Mojave Gold President Steve Heard confirmed that, “the GlobalMin Guyana project is now on a fast track.” He also indicated that the company is very pleased with junior and major mining companies that have also been expressing interest in Mojave’s work in Guyana. Several NSYE mining companies have entered into confidentiality agreements with Mojave, allowing them to receive geological and analytical information and participate in field exploration.

According to Mojave Gold CFO John Mack, “Mining companies, with which we share information continue to verify independent geological results with impeccable credentials. GlobalMin management clearly knows its business, enduring substantial inquiries and due diligence.” Heard concurred that, “though already a hotspot for gold mining and production, I believe history is being made in the field of platinum group minerals in Guyana.”

Since 2002, privately owned U.S.-based company GlobalMin LLC has conducted substantial fieldwork exploration and analytical testing in Guyana, discovering and documenting a significant presence of alluvial platinum group minerals, and targeting areas for continued exploration and analysis.

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