U.S.-based Guyanese man remanded for CJIA cocaine bust

A United States-based Guyanese was on Tuesday remanded to prison by acting Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry after he was busted on Monday for trafficking cocaine.
Shawn Andrew Glasgow, 25, of Lot 300 Hawthorne Avenue, New York, USA appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts to answer to the trafficking in narcotics charge.
The defendant pleaded not guilty to the charge, which stated that on September 24 at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, Timehri, he was in possession of four kilograms, 106 grams of cocaine for trafficking.
Police Prosecutor, Sergeant Gordon Mansfield, told the court that on the day in question about 3: 30h, the defendant went to the CJIA with the intension of boarding a Caribbean Airline 484 flight to New York.
He checked-in a suitcase and while it was being scanned, ranks noticed a strange object in the suitcase. This prompted the officers to conduct a search on the suitcase during which they unearthed the substance in a false wall.
The man was taken to a room where he was shown the drug and denied having any knowledge of the cocaine. The defendant was arrested and subsequently charged. The only statement Glasgow made was him telling the court that he retained Attorney Gordon Gilhuys, who was not present in court.
The acting Chief Magistrate informed the court that the defendant would be remanded to prison until October 3. This latest find comes almost two weeks after the discovery of more than 30 kilograms of cocaine at CJIA in separate busts.

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