U.S.-based Guyanese makes appeal on behalf of sick children

If it sounds impossible to turn your home’s clutter into life saving treatment for sick children in Guyana, it isn’t. Guyanese native, Vanessa Sharma, is doing just that to help Three Rivers Kids Foundation, a charitable organisation dedicated to helping sick children in Guyana whose parents are too poor to afford medical care.

Jeanette Singh (far left), founder of Three Rivers Kids Foundation, with a group of patients
Jeanette Singh (far left), founder of Three Rivers Kids Foundation, with a group of patients

Vanessa is hosting ‘Clear Your Clutter For A Cause’, a charity yard sale she hopes the Queens community will embrace by donating their own “clutter” to the cause. The garage sale will take place on the weekend of July 20th between 121st and 123rd Streets on 103rd Ave. (one block from Liberty Ave.). All proceeds from the sale will help provide life-saving medical treatment to children of Guyana who need it most.
There are hundreds of sick and poor children in Guyana who are in desperate need of life-saving medical help. These children must be brought overseas for treatment. Most of these children suffer from life-threatening conditions and will not survive if they do not receive the proper medical care.
“I was born in the country, I understand life there and the hardships people face and I want to help them,” Vanessa said.
To date, Three Rivers Kids Foundation has helped over 100 children receive life-saving surgery; however there are hundreds more waiting for help.
Please e-mail vanesssa20783@gmail.com or call 347-494-8025 if you’d like to donate any items to be sold at the yard sale; and please save July 20th and July 21st to come to the charity yard sale for some great deals.

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