‘U.S. an influential model in nation building process’ – PM Hinds

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, performing the duties of president, in his remarks, said that occasions such as Friday evening’s (July 1) provide an opportunity to reflect on the great strides that the U.S. has made, which has led to that country attaining a very influential position in the global arena.

“There should be no doubt that the level of economic and social development enjoyed by the United States is as a result of the hard work and endurance of its people in their efforts at nation building and the preservation and maintenance of independence,” the prime minister said.

He noted that, as a developing country seeking to improve the quality of life of its citizens, Guyana continues to consider the U. S. as an influential model and partner in the process of nation building; as traditionally, it has been one of the country’s main development partners in a number of areas, such as education, governance, security, and economic growth and development.

In the area of health, a notable development programme between the two countries in recent years has been the President’s Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).

With regards to economic development, Guyana has received support for the improvement of the agriculture sector, and assistance through the Millennium Challenge Corporation to address the country’s fiscal deficit by means of developing the management and fiduciary oversight of government expenditure.

U.S. Charge d’ Affaires Thomas Pierce, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds and Mrs Yvonne Hinds sharing a light moment at a reception hosted to mark the 235th anniversary since the signing of the U.S. Declaration of Independence as the army band serenades the gathering at the reception

As it relates to governance, the prime minister said, the assistance for the institutional strengthening of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) is much appreciated; while in the area of security, the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the use of an electronic system to trace illicit firearms (E- Trace) and the signing of an agreement on April 18, 2011 under the bilateral component of the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative, to establish and support projects in law enforcement and tracking money laundering, have always been welcomed by government.

“The support of the U. S. has helped us to pursue activities within the context of our Poverty Reduction and National Development strategies, and is very much appreciated,” the Government Information Agency quoted him as saying.

However, whilst acknowledging the ongoing partnerships and areas of cooperation between the two countries, the prime minister expressed government’s distress over the recently published U. S. State Department Report on Trafficking in Persons (TIP).

As it relates to the issue of climate change, the prime minister said, government is committed to achieving the objectives of the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS). On the international front, Guyana has been playing an integral role within the REDD plus partnership, of which it assumed the co- chairmanship.

He added that Guyana is particularly committed to the work of this international partnership, since it aims to operationalise the establishment of a global incentive structure for reducing emissions through avoided deforestation, and by which countries can receive payment for forest climate services.

Charge’d Affaires Thomas Pierce echoed the sentiments of U. S. President Barack Obama. He said that, on this occasion, strengthening ties with other countries on the basis of mutual interest and respect will always be the cornerstone of the U.S. administration’s foreign policy, in light of the challenges that no single nation can meet alone.

“We continue to work with Guyana and other partners and in multi- lateral forums in furthering the community of democracy, strengthening civil societies, and promoting freedoms and human rights,” Pierce said.

These partnerships, which can be seen in areas such as health, regional security, climate change, and promoting economic prosperity, seek to create inclusive opportunities for individuals and societies, Pierce continued.

Guyana and the United States have shared fruitful bilateral relations since 1966.

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