Two separately charged, jailed for armed robberies

A twenty-one-year-old livestock farmer of Buxton, East Coast Demerara (ECD) was on Monday arraigned before Principal Magistrate Judy Latchman on a charge of armed robbery, allegedly committed on Lethem Wilson on October 13, 2017 at Brickdam, Georgetown.
Unrepresented by legal counsel, the father of one pleaded not guilty to the allegation, which further detailed that while in the company of others, and armed with a dangerous weapon (a gun), he robbed the virtual complainant (VC) of two cellular phones and some G$3 million in cash, to a total of G$3.3 million.
Police Prosecutor Shawn Gonsalves objected to the accused being placed on bail, contending that the seriousness of the offence and the penalty attached thereto should be considered among other factors.
The accused pleaded with the Magistrate to release him on bail pending the outcome of the trial. He explained that he has a family to take care of, and suffers from the medical condition of stroke.
He was refused bail, and is expected to return to court on November 6, 2017.
Meanwhile, 19-year-old Shabaka Williams, an unemployed youth of Durban Street Georgetown, was charged with armed robbery allegedly committed on Akeem Austin on August 31, 2017 on Hadfield Street, Georgetown. Austin is alleged to have been deprived of a cellular phone, a hard drive, and other articles valued at G$108,000; together with some G$1.4 million cash, property of Nigel Hughes and Akeem Austin.
Attorney-at-law Tiffany Jeffrey, representing Williams, asked Magistrate Judy Latchman to place the teen on reasonable bail pending trial. But Prosecutor Shawn Gonsalves opposed the granting of bail by citing the seriousness and prevalence of the offence, and the fact that a weapon was used in the alleged commission of the crime.
Williams was refused bail, and will make his next court appearance on November 13, 2017.

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