TUF not contesting March 2 polls

TUF Leader Marissa Nadir

The United Force (TUF), a political party formed in the 1960s, has decided not to contest in the upcoming elections on March 2, 2020.
TUF is headed by Marissa Nadir.
See full statement below:
The United Force regrets to inform the nation that after several discussions with its Executive and consultations with stakeholders, supporters and the people, the party has decided, for the first time since its formation in the 1960’s, NOT to contest in the 2020 General and Regional Elections.
Thus. the party will not be submitting a list on nominations day. This decision, whilst being a difficult one, has been discussed at great length. It is the party’s view that this particular election is extremely crucial and of utmost importance is to restore first and foremost the rule of law, but also to restore democracy in our nation which has been under attack daily within the last five years of this administration.
We strongly condemn the blatant disregard and disrespect of the Supreme Law of our Nation (the Constitution). Within these past five years we have seen the wanton waste of tax payers’ dollars, unkept promises and most repulsively, the lack of decorum and dignity which is required from any Government.
TUF strongly encourages ALL parties to demonstrate tolerance, decency and dignity, to encourage their supporters to be respectful of every person’s democratic right to support any party of his/her own choice. This right is enshrined in our country’s Constitution.
To the international community and observers, the most important question to be put to this administration is whether they are prepared to willingly vacate office should they be voted out.
Moreover, TUF is calling upon GECOM to allow ALL observers and stakeholders to view every step of the elections process, not only of the voting and counting of votes, but also the input of data into the respective database while cross checking the output data to determine that the results remain accurate.
There MUST BE TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY of every step. Notwithstanding the party’s decision not to contest, we have noted that yet again, the emphasis has not been placed on youth, while TUF has been emphasizing for the last ten years that Guyana needs youth. We still see a gender imbalance in leadership.
In conclusion, we urge all Guyanese to be respectful of each other. We pray that our beloved nation has a free and fair election and of utmost importance, that the results of said elections be respected by ALL parties and its supporters.
To our nation, at this time, let us not be divided as bitter peoples, but unite in our respect of different views and in decency. We must remember that we ARE one people, one nation with one destiny.

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