TT’s People’s Partnership confident of the future

Prime Minister Kamla Persad- Bissessar

One year after it convincingly won the general election, the People’s Partnership government began its second year in office on Tuesday amid allegations of corruption, a less-than-peaceful industrial climate, and fears of a lack of dynamism in the Trinidad and Tobago economy.

But Prime Minister Kamla Persad- Bissessar, who has seen her ratings fall by 14 per cent since coming to office last year, has defended the first 12 months of the five-party coalition, insisting “we have been able to change the tone of the national political and civic discourse from one that was combative and adversarial to one (that is) conciliatory and understanding.

“We have done this by changing the paradigm of governance from one that speaks first and listens after to one that consults with all citizens and stakeholders”. Political scientist Professor Selwyn Ryan admits it will be difficult to judge the performance of the government “given the mercurial and dynamic nature of our political process.” (Excerpt from CMC)

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