Trotman should apologise for his despicable behaviour in Parliament

Dear Editor,

I watch the news often, but was shocked and flabbergasted when I saw the recent behaviour of Minister Raphael Trotman in Parliament. In that debate, Trotman’s behaviour towards former President Bharrat Jagdeo was very disrespectful. His tone of voice and his arrogance leaves much to be desired. He behaves as if his Coalition Government will rule forever, and he is some sort of a God, holding power forever.

Though Mr Trotman was raving and ranting like a delirious man, the Speaker of the House failed to dispense his duties by stopping him or cautioning him to tone down his voice against Mr Jagdeo. It tells me clearly that we have no discipline in Parliament, and this sets a bad example to the citizens of this nation. Mr Trotman, who happens to be a Christian, failed to conduct himself properly in Parliament. He sets a bad example of Christianity to the other honourable members of the House who are Hindus and Muslims. I believe he should be disciplined for his cantankerous and arrogant behaviour.

In Parliament they refer to each other as honourable member. The word ‘’honourable” can be defined as: bringing or worthy of honour; honest, moral, ethical, principled, righteous, right-minded; decent, respectable, estimable, virtuous, good, upstanding, upright, worthy, noble, fair, just, truthful, trustworthy, law-abiding, reliable, reputable, creditable, dependable, illustrious, distinguished, eminent, great, glorious, renowned, acclaimed, prestigious, noble, creditable, admirable, “an honourable man.”

From the definition given above, since our Parliamentarians here are calling each other ‘’honourable members’’ in their debate, I believe our erudite Attorney-at-law Mr Trotman failed to comprehend the meaning of the word honourable when I watched his despicable behaviour on national television.


Yours faithfully,

Rev Gideon Cecil


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