Former Speaker of the National Assembly, Ralph Ramkarran believes that the position of Speaker of the House should be held by one who is impartial, and has severed most leadership ties with the political party to which he or she is affiliated.
In a column published on his website www., Ramkarran said newly appointed Speaker Raphael Trotman may find great difficulty in reconciling the position of speaker with those of leader and list representative of the Alliance for Change (AFC).
Ralph Ramkarran
Ramkarran said, “A Speaker promoting the op position’s agenda will quickly discover that his effectiveness is limited. His only agenda is and should be to promote the work of Parliament, comprising both government and opposition”. He added that the “debate about conventions and candidates is over, and the choice is made. Mr Trotman deserves our support for success in a job that he will find requires all of his consider able parliamentary and political experience”. According to the former Speaker, who is also an attorney by profession, the new Speaker must demonstrate much impartiality and fairness.
“Speakers are normally identified with political parties, usually governing parties. When elected, they relinquish their leading political roles, or suppress, or do not publicise any overtly partisan activities.” He said Trotman has indicated that he will not contest the post of leader of the AFC when the party’s elections are held in a few months time, but he (Trotman) is yet to publicise his views on remaining on the list of representative of his party. This, Ramkarran said, he is eagerly waiting.
“Mr. Trotman is not merely identified with the AFC as a leading figure or an executive member. He is its lead er and representatives on its list. In these capacities, he is the leading official and chief spokesperson of the AFC.” Touching on the work of Parliament, Ramkarran said it is managed by the clerk of the National Assembly, noting that the clerk, Sherlock Isaacs has been well- trained in that post and has vast experience. He said one of the clerk’s official duties is to advise the Speaker on the Standing Orders and Parliamentary procedures.
“The Speaker can, of course, disagree with any advice proffered. That would be a courageous step.” He stated that the parliamentary system is so designed “to allow the Speaker to concentrate his energies on management of the business of Parliament”. “In this, he will find that a high degree of neutrality and impartiality is essential.”
In this regard, the public declaration by APNU (A Partnership for National Unity) that it required a Speaker who will promote the opposition’s agenda has been disappointing and hopefully more mature considerations will now prevail.
Brokering agreements between the government and opposition is a vital aspect of the functions of the Speaker in our Parliament.”
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