Tribute to a cultural promoter who passed away in New York

Dear Editor,

Ajit Praimsingh, a cultural (music) promoter of Indo-Caribbean events passed away in New York where he was undergoing medical treatment.

Praimsingh lived in Trinidad, but he has been well known by the Guyanese community, especially singers, in New York.

Guyanese in New York have all expressed shock over his passing. I know him well and we would meet regularly in New York and Trinidad whenever I visit for Indian cultural celebrations, especially chutney finals, Indian Arrival celebrations and Classical Singing competitions. I saw him at the classical competition last July.

Praimsingh understood Indo-Guyanese problems well and he reached out to them in Trinidad, New York and in Guyana. When Indian foods and religious items were banned by the PNC, Praimsingh assisted Indo-Guyanese with both so they could continue their religious practices and uphold their cultural diet.

Praimsingh has been a frequent visitor to New York attending Phagwah, Indian Arrival, and other Indo-Caribbean celebrations. Many described him as an unsung hero.

Praimsingh was the owner of Praimsingh’s Pooja Bhavan and Indian Music Store in Trinidad and he would visit New York regularly supplying Guyanese stores with his CD and pooja items.

He worked closely with Guyanese music producers, promoters, deejays, and radio announcers. He produced several recordings of Guyanese artistes. He launched Mere Desh (My Country) a couple decades ago to educate the Indo-Trinidadian community about their culture. He sponsored various cultural events.

He was involved in the installation of the monument dedicated to popular chutney singer Sundar Popo, widely known as the Father of Chutney. He also did a lot to upgrade cremation sites in Trinidad.

In spite of all he has done to promote Indian culture, Praimsingh, himself, was never recognized by his Government. But in New York, Indo-Caribbean people recognized and saluted his work. Few have promoted and funded Indian culture like him in the Caribbean.

He was a cultural icon who will not be forgotten for his contributions to the Indo-Caribbean Diaspora.

Vishnu Bisram

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