Transforming communities through literacy

Youth with a Mission Guyana (YWAM) is an international team based in Guyana that is committed to transforming communities nationwide by equipping and training in discipleship and literacy programmes.
In 1989, Angelica Rivera from Peru, and four Brazilians, ventured into Guyana to form relationships in their pursuit to begin YWAM Guyana. Soon, volunteers Jackie and Vicki Rozier from the U.S., arrived and took on the challenge to pioneer the work and make the dream a reality. By 1990, YWAM Guyana was born and work began.

YWAM volunteer teaching at Imbaimadai school
YWAM volunteer teaching at Imbaimadai school

The team worked alongside local churches, and invited many other teams to help in their efforts. In 1991, night schools were started, modelling the Discipleship Training School (DTS) programme, and many in Guyana received training. As the staff grew, YWAM doors opened to children on the street who took up residency for a few months until a permanent home was established.
Through its many programmes, YWAM became a household name, and recognised as a reputable organisation. In 1997, Jackie and Vicki moved back to the United States, and another volunteer, Kimberly Cook, took on the directorship. Medical teams, as well as community development teams, arrived to help in shaping the work in remote interior regions, erecting churches and schools.
YWAM Guyana is also known for its extensive work with HIV/AIDS; the boys’ home ministry; senior citizens ministry; abandoned kids ministry, as well as hosting teams and ministering to indigenous Guyanese.
The organisation is now focused on developing its campus centre and reaching out to the community of Parika. The DTS programme at the centre offers a 5-month course that equips persons in outreach work.
Additionally, at the literacy centre, classes are held bi-weekly during the school year to aid children and youths in the community with basic reading and writing skills. YWAM has observed the problem of illiteracy in various communities and the need for further learning, and is determined to assist in these areas. Computer classes also teach basic computer skills to youths, and it is hoped that these skills help them in the future to better their education and creativity, and open doors to job opportunities.

Participants during the DTS programme in Parika
Participants during the DTS programme in Parika

YWAM’s members, as part of its ‘hospital ministry’, visit the Georgetown Public Hospital each Friday afternoon to spend time and “minister” to the HIV/AIDS patients there, imparting hope through biblical scriptures. They also visit the children’s ward where they bring smiles to the children’s faces and encourage the parents in their tough times.
For more information, visit YWAM Guyana on Facebook.

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