Town Clerk’s appointment is not politically motivated – Whittaker

Minster within the Local Government Ministry Norman Whittaker said the move to appoint Carol Sobers as acting town clerk was done in accordance with the law and not driven by political motivation.
The City Council had proposed Public Relations Officer Royston King for the post, but he was not selected.
Both King and Sobers have been in the employ of City Hall for years. Sobers up to her new appointment, was the council’s legal officer, while King is the serving public relations officer.

Minister within the Local Government Ministry Norman Whittaker

The appointment of Sobers came after six senior officers, Town Clerk Yvonne Pluck- Cort; Treasurer Andrew Meredith; City Engineer Gregory Erskine; Personnel Officer Paulette Braithwaite; Assistant Town Clerk Harry Munroe and Solid Waste Manager Hubert Urling were ordered to proceed on leave to facilitate police investigations into massive financial wrongdoings at the municipality.
Minister Whitaker explained that the pronouncement was made by Minster Ganga Persaud, who is empowered by the Constitution to approve candidates suitable for senior positions within City Hall.
He noted that the allegation of Sobers not having the requisite knowledge and qualification to serve in her new office is baseless.
“When we made our decisions, all areas were looked into. We have taken into account the individual’s character and Sobers was the most suitable choice”.
Although Whittaker had clarified Persaud’s decisions, Councilor Ranwell still insisted that the “council’s proposal for Royston King to become town clerk was sidetracked due to the newly-appointed Town Clerk Carol Sobers’ known affiliation with the PPP/ C”.
During last week’s statuary meeting, Councillor Oscar Clarke presented the names of those officers who they had chosen to take up the six vacant offices. At the end of the presentation, the councillors voted almost unanimously for King to act as town clerk.
As is protocol, those names were submitted to the Local Government Ministry for final approval, but Minister Persaud approved the five candidates while brushing aside King.
Meanwhile, Sobers while brushing off Jordan’s comments, said she has no ties to the PPP/ C or any politic parties. “I don’t know where they got that from, I have never been a member of any political party, be it APNU, PNC, AFC or PPP/ C. I am a faithful Christian Adventist, who was brought up with strong moral values.”
According to her, the council has been lagging in its obligations to the city, and this she intends to address forthwith.

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