Tourism Ministry’s ‘homecoming’ seeking to attract 100,000 Guyanese migrants

Tourism Awareness Month 2014 was launched Friday evening with the aim of raising awareness of the country’s tourism potential, as the Government continues to promote tourism as a sector that has potential for significant economic growth.

The 20th Tourism Awareness Month was launched under the theme: “Tourism entrepreneur and ambassadors mobilised”. The tourism ambassador programme is not unique to Guyana, but is patterned after a Trinidad model.

Speaking during the launch at the Amerindian Village located in the Sophia Exhibition Complex, Tourism Minister (ag) Irfaan Ali stressed on the need for Guyanese to be reminded of the importance of the sector in Guyana’s future. “The growth of this sector cannot be achieved alone, we need partners in order to move forward,” the Minister said.

He stated that the Ministry has a vision that is critical for the development of the sector. Minister Ali said that the industry is in its developmental stage, where protocols and guidelines are being established.

The need for sport fishing and its potential was reiterated by the Minister as he went on to state that the Ministry has implemented incentives to aid in reduced cost for local travellers to explore the beauty of Guyana.

The need for infrastructure and an environment which meet international standards to attract tourists was highlighted while the Private Sector was urged to become members of the Tourism and Hospitality Association of Guyana (THAG) since it will open opportunities for the enjoyment of the income expected from the 100,000 Guyanese who are anticipated to return to Guyana in 2015 as ‘Guyana Homecoming 2015’ takes off.

The Ministry is working with THAG and various airlines to design a marketing strategy for the homecoming campaign. Extensive social media marketing is an aspect of the strategy. Better yet, with Guyana adopting a booking engine, designed by an international company, bookings for trips to Guyana will be done easily and simultaneously, which will increase tourists and income. This feature will be added to the tourism website and is expected to be up and running by the end of November.

Newly appointed THAG Chairman/ President Shaun McGrath, said, “As a hotelier in Guyana for the past 25 years, I have heard people say tourism is not going to happen in Guyana. They say they have to clean up the place first, but the truth is, tourism is well and alive in Guyana.”

Hotels in the interior are filled, McGrath said. He talked of the fact that Guyanese need to be made aware of the tourism potential of Guyana. Caribbean countries such as Barbados, Jamaica and others have implemented programmes in schools to start tourism awareness in the minds of children. This is an initiative which Guyana has now taken up.

“Guyana, South America undiscovered”

THAG has, for Tourism Month, organised a school essay competition and the winning essay will be featured in the Guyana 2014 Magazine. Among other activities to raise tourism awareness are the launch of Restaurant Week – November 10 to 16; World Travel Market on November 3 to 6 in London, which will include the launch of the Explore Guyana magazine; school talks, and customer service and servers training. It was stated that part of the funding from the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) will go towards the development of tourism.

Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) Director Indranauth Haralsingh said Tourism Month is a time when the achievements of the sector are celebrated and the challenges are reflected upon. He said it is one of the most important multi-functional sectors since it creates employment, attracts investments, and contributes to economic growth and Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

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