Top Cop’s fate hangs in the balance

…decision to be made when he returns from ‘special leave’

President David Granger on Wednesday told media operatives that when Top Cop, Seelall Persaud returns from his leave in January, his fate will be decided.
This announcement comes on the heels of the Police Commissioner being sent on “special leave” on November 24, 2017- the day he was slated to return to his duties following four months annual leave.

Police Commissioner Seelall Persaud

Persaud received a very short letter from Public Security Minister, Khemraj Ramjattan stating that “it is the considered opinion of the Administration that you [Persaud] should be and you are hereby directed to proceed on special leave with effect from November 24, 2017 until further notice.”
On Wednesday, Granger said “all we did was insisted the leave that is due to Persaud be enjoyed rather than have it pieced-meal. We said let him take his leave and at the end of that we will decide how we go forward.”
The President also maintained that there was nothing “abnormal” about the Commissioner being sent on additional leave, highlighting that “we said that public servants must enjoy their leave when it is due and this encourages the development of a good career system which the subordinates are allowed to act.”
“From the time the Coalition got into office, we made it clear that we did not support the practice in the past for public officers to accumulate huge amounts of leave and then sometimes request payment in lieu of leave…Right now there is nothing abnormal or irregular about Mr Seelall Persaud going on leave. The leave is due to him, he is not being sent on administrative leave. The leave is due to him and he should enjoy it,” Granger said.
On March 29, Andriff Gillard reported to the Police that his friend and neighbour Nizam Khan offered him G$7M to assassinate President Granger. He said that the offer was made during a conversation between Khan and himself after he approached Khan to borrow G$6M to purchase a property.
Following the allegation, President Granger ordered an inquiry into the Police’s investigation of the allegation. Upon concluding the investigations, Commissioner Paul Slowe submitted a report to President Granger.
Slowe had recommended the firing of substantive Police Commissioner, Persaud.
Persaud is reportedly a close friend of the brother of Nizam Khan- the accused. The CoI also found that the Police Force deliberately failed to conduct a diligent investigation into the allegation.
The COI also recommended sanctions and removal of other senior ranks.
The Police Commissioner joined the GPF on October 15, 1989. He was confirmed Police Commissioner in March, 2015 by then President, Donald Ramotar.
He is slated to retire five months from now when he turns 55-year-old.

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