Top Cop’s confirmation: Gov’t nails Granger’s non-consultation claims

Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr Roger Luncheon
Head of the Presidential
Secretariat, Dr Roger

Head of the Presidential Secretariat (HPS), Dr Roger Luncheon was adamant that meaningful consultations were held with Opposition Leader David Granger as it relates to the recent confirmation of Police Commissioner Seelall Persaud.

Following Persaud’s swearing-in last week, Granger had stated that he would not be accepting or recognising Persaud as the substantive Police Commissioner since he was not “meaningfully consulted” on his appointment in accordance with Article 211 under the Constitution of Guyana.

The Opposition Leader said that A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) would be taking legal action to challenge Persaud’s confirmation. However, no such action has yet been filed. Granger told this newspaper on Tuesday that the coalition’s team of Attorneys is currently working on the documents before starting legal proceedings.

Dr Luncheon told media operatives at the post-Cabinet briefing on Wednesday that Granger’s claim that he was never consulted was at odds with the reality of what took place. He opined that the only reason the Opposition Leader could have made such remarks was because of a judgement he has about what constitutes “consultation”. “Meaningful consultation” does not mean that the President has to accept the recommendation or opinion of the Opposition leader, simply that the latter be solicited and taken into consideration.

According to the HPS, there is evidence of Granger replying to correspondence from the Office of the President that specifically addresses the issue of appointment and confirmation of Persaud. He added that they had even worked out a plan with Granger, as it related to how they would go ahead with the consultations.

Dr Luncheon went on to explain that the behaviour of the Opposition Leader was strange given the fact that when Persaud was appointed acting Police Commissioner last year, he was pushing for him to be confirmed substantively in the position. The HPS noted that the politician had also pushed for the substantive appointment of former Police Commissioner Leroy Brummel when he was appointed as acting Police Chief. However, President Donald Ramotar on both occasions, Dr Luncheon said, had stated that he did not know either man and wanted to observe their performance over a period of time before confirming them.

“It is ironic that when the President approached him (Granger) and say I’m ready to do the substantive appointment (for Persaud), we couldn’t find David and he unveiled a series of his disquiet, his reluctance and ultimately, what he said, he couldn’t agree to poor Seelall being appointed substantively as the Commissioner,” Dr Luncheon outlined.

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