Tony Virus couldn’t get de ting up

Staybroke News, also known as de Stabber News, stayin true to its name – it runnin broke, for news, that is. Runnin de Rum Karran blog in full is one ting. But then runnin it again as though a reporter write a story is another ting. Is de same ting does happen wid Sus Penders in Rum and he what-yuh-might-call-it columns.
Now it look like if Tony Virus join de elite group of write-sum-ting-get-double-coverage in de Staybroke paper. De Virus can’t write columns, so he writin letters, or he gettin Hen Rico to write them fuh he, since both of dem talkin de same **it, but on different days.
So now de Virus write a letter bout uplink and downlink and de Staybroke paper publish de letter, then write a story from de same letter. It look like is de Hen write de letter because de story connect every ting what de two of dem seh. No wonder de Hen and de Virus is good friends.
De Virus now sound like a bitter man and he look like a sour man. It look like he had try to get he ting up before he sell it, but it only come down. Now de people at Staybroke tryin fuh help de Virus to get it back up wid all de coverage. Even de Hen can’t help because he get sum ting since 1997 and he still can’t get it up.
One of de Virus female staff at de time seh when he sell de ting, he couldn’t get it fuh wuk, and it was fallin down every time he try. That is why he decide fuh sell it out. Now another man buy out every ting and de new owner get every ting up. De same ting what de Virus couldn’t get up, de Pharma man tek it and mek it wuk. Now every ting up and runnin.
Ting-a-ling-a-ling…friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie! But de Virus get vex and writin letter because he still can’t get any ting up!

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