To the editor of the Kaieteur News

Dear Editor,
On March 21, 2013, the Kaieteur News carried an article, within which it “quoted” the former Norwegian Minister of the Environment and International Development, Erik Solheim.
The Kaieteur News said: “Solheim said, “Guyana is among the most corrupt countries in the world. Jagdeo was steering it like his own farm. They don’t even have a law for public procurements!”
This is a lie.
Former Minister Solheim never said those words. The Kaieteur News deliberately fabricated this quote.
Can the editor of the Kaieteur News please:
• Confirm that this is a lie, and that the quote from Former Minister Solheim was deliberately fabricated by the Kaieteur News
• Explain why the Kaieteur News thinks it is permissible to deliberately spread lies about a foreign government minister and our own head of state
• Apologise to former Minister Erik Solheim and former President Bharrat Jagdeo for slandering them both by deliberately telling this lie
This letter is being copied to the media.

Thank you,
Roger Luncheon
Head of the Presidential Secretariat

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