TIP Ministerial Task Force completes three-day outreach to Imbaimadai

A team of four representatives from the Ministerial Task Force on Trafficking in Persons (MTFTIP) visited the Imbaimadai community in Region 7, as well as surrounding areas, from June 14-17, 2013.
The aim of the visit was to conduct monitoring exercises, training and awareness activities, along with listening to and considering the concerns raised by villagers in relation to trafficking in persons and child labour.
The team engaged shop owners, convened meetings and conducted focus group discussions with residents from Imbaimadai, Kambaru Creek, Chai Chai Falls, Partang, Fort Knox and Jawalla.
In an attempt to the educate the participants and deter them from participating in, or allowing themselves to be exposed to perpetrators, the team engaged them on the effects of trafficking in persons on the lives of those exposed to the scourge, sharing practical examples, and explaining the consequences and legal ramifications for perpetrating or supporting the crime.
The team also distributed flyers and other informative materials to the meetings’ participants and other persons living and working in the area. Focus was placed on key features of the Combating Trafficking in Persons Act No. 2 of 2005 with the aim of educating participants of the various provisions and prescriptions in the law.
Participants at the meeting generally listened attentively and displayed gratitude for the information received. They were also presented with tokens of appreciation for their cooperation.
The Government of Guyana says it stands committed to the fight against trafficking in persons in Guyana and calls upon all stakeholders to join in the fight against trafficking in persons.

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