Three policemen charged for Agricola teen’s murder

… but two absent from court, arrest warrants issued

Escorted by armed police ranks, Special Constable Terrence Wallace appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday charged jointly with two others for killing Agricola teen, Shaquille Grant. Wallace was arraigned before acting Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry.

Special Constable Terrence Wallace being led to the prisoners’ van

The two other lawmen, Lance Corporal Warren Blue and Special Constable Jamal Lewis were also scheduled to answer to the charge but according to reports, they fled the jurisdiction.
The court, however issued arrest warrants for the apprehension of the two policemen, who according to reports are now living in St Maarten. Police Prosecutor Kerry Bostwick told the court that on September 11, at Caesar Street Agricola, East Bank Demerara, while on patrol duty, Wallace and the two other ranks shot and killed Grant.
Bostwick further related that on the day of the fatal incident, a team of lawmen responded to intelligence that a robbery was being planned by several young men in Agricola. As such, the ranks swooped down on the village and noticed Grant and three other lads under a shed in a yard. As a result, the patrol team and the lads exchanged gunfire. It was during that time Grant was shot to his head, stomach and buttocks. Wallace, who was represented by Attorney Sonia Paraag was not required to enter a plea.
Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry subsequent to hearing the facts of the charge, informed the visibly shaken Wallace that he will be remanded to prison until October 11, when the matter will be called again. Wallace was afterwards taken down to the police inquiry quarters at the court. For the entire time, Wallace was being held in the quarters, his colleagues tried desperately to shield him from scores of media representatives who had gathered outside the court yard. They were seen giving him clothes, money and a box of food.
Hours after, several heavily-armed ranks whisked him away in a prisoners’ van. One relative of Grant said she was satisfied so far with the outcome of the investigation into the shooting, but still expressed the view that the police allowed the two other ranks to escape.

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