Three nominated for GFW’s Most Promising Designer of 2010

This year, the taskof selecting the Most PromisingYoung Designer wasmost difficult. The large number of young designers participatingin the Guyana FashionWeekend (GFW) 2010,which was held atthe Pegasus Hotel onOctober 30 and 31, andtheir talent and fabulousdesigns madechoosing the best a tremendoustask.But the GFW wasfinally able to narrowthe field down to threecontenders: NeilsonNurse, Ryan Burkleyand Travis Bowen. Theyall brought freshness tothe catwalk, and not tomention a very edgy yetsophisticated style.The young talentdisplayed over the fourshows of the event istestimony to the factthat there is increasedinterest in the growing fashion industry. Theglobal fashion industryis a multi-billion-dollar powerhouse of economicactivity, and impact search individual onearth. Fashion has the unique capacity to define identity.The three designers will be given the opportunityto display theircreations in all GFWoverseas promotionsnext year, and will begiven a number of prizesat a presentation ceremonylater in the month,when the overall winnerwill be announced.

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