Three killed, two hurt as mining pit caves in

By Bhisham Mohamed

Tragedy struck on Wednesday at Aranka Backdam, North West District, when a mining pit reportedly caved in killing three miners and injuring two others in the process. The Anns Grove, East Coast Demerara residents were pinned and by the time they were pulled from the wreckage, it was too late.

Deonarine Singh
Elson Singh


The dead men were identified as Elson “Johnny” Singh, 47, of Two Friends, Anns Grove; Devon “Bungu” Barry, 22, of Middle Walk, and Deonarine “Chubby” Singh, 25, of Lot 7 Middle Walk. The injured are 29-year-old Randy April and 21-year-old Percy Lancaster, who are also both from Anns Grove.
According to information gathered, the three men were in a mining pit working when the walls caved in on them. The news of their deaths spread like wildfire in the community after the relatives were contacted by a workmate. At the home of Elson Singh, his mother was being consoled by other relatives who are still in a state of shock.
The grieving mother, Velma Singh stated that she was having her lunch when she received a telephone call from her granddaughter, who related the unfortunate news. “At first, they tell we four dead but later it confirm that three dead and one ah them is meh eldest son; he nah even say mommy meh head ah hurt, nothing, he just left so easy,” the woman said with tears in her eyes.
She also related that he has been working in the interior for years, but he returned to the mining camp in August after spending some time at home. A teacher at the Plaisance Secondary School, Rhonda Monize, the deceased’s reputed wife, recounted that she was at work when she got a telephone call from her sister who requested that she returned a call.
In so doing, she was told the horrific news, but did not believe. She related that it was after she called another relative to verify the information, her worst fears were confirmed. The couple has been living together for the past seven years. Singh fathered three children from previous relationships. His eldest daughter, Melissa Singh explained that while they did not share a perfect father and daughter relationship, she is shaken upon receiving the deadly news. She said, “I have to see my father body before I believe… not because we didn’t have a good relationship, I do love him; he is the only father I know and it is a shock to know that he is no more.” Singh is survived by his parents and three other siblings.
In the same village, not far from Singh, the relatives of Barry reside. His mother, Yolanda Barry, was too traumatised to talk with this publication. She reportedly collapsed upon hearing the news of her son’s death. Barry’s eldest sister, Kesia Barry recalled that she was home taking a nap when she overheard a telephone conversation with her aunt and someone, but did not pay attention. She noted that after a few minutes, he aunty informed her that “a pit caved in with Johnny and two others and they dead”. “It didn’t register to me then that my brother was working with Johnny, but after a minute or so, it come to me,” she added. Upon inquiring, she was told that her brother was the one who had perished in the mishap. She recounted that her brother was a calm guy. “He was here in August for a wedding and then he went back into the interior,” she noted. He leaves to mourn his parents and 10 siblings (four from his father’s side and six from his mother’s).
In the next street, Guyana Times International visited the home of Deonarine Singh. His aunt, Sunita Stuart, who took care of him since he was a baby, was inconsolable. As she cried, she stated that the last time she spoke with her nephew was on Monday when he called to wish her daughter a “happy birthday”. The last thing he tell me was “I love you aunty and I tell he I love you baby and he tell me tek care,” Stuart cried.
The secretary of the Anns Grove Secondary School explained that she was at work when she got the telephone call informing her that a pit caved in and killed three people, including her nephew. The aggrieved woman disclosed that she ran up the road to inquire and was confronted with reality.
The dead miner had been working in the interior for the past three years. His ill mother, Latchmi Singh stated that Singh was her only child and since he was born, she gave him away to her sister due to circumstances beyond her control. As she sat in a chair, tears trickled down her cheeks. The remains of Elson “Johnny” Singh; Devon “Bungu” Barry and Deonarine “Chubby” Singh are expected to be transported to Georgetown soon. Post-mortem examinations are slated for Friday.

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