Three-card monte… City Hall

Your Eyewitness has heard about “the other foot” falling to confirm what had been suspected in shady deals, but needed further confirmation. But on this Georgetown Parking Meter abomination that’s been shoved down the throats of Guyanese, so many feet have been falling, it’s clear a centipede has been let loose in our midst! And we know who’s that centipede, don’t we?! But yet nothing’s being done by those above to rein in on the Town Clerk and Mayor who reign over us like Stalin executing one his more notorious purges.
The latest foot to drop is the confirmation that Kamau Cush was just a front man for foreign interests to get their teeth into Guyana and suck our blood for forty years. Yep… after all, the outrage and protests about the contract, the meters are gonna be rolled out any day now. The Panama Papers was a preview of how these fellas operate – hiding behind a welter of paper corporations to pull off their three card monte or shell game. Now you see it, now you don’t!!
You’ve seen them at fairs haven’t you? Look at the three cards… You’re shown each of them as they’re flicked and then placed on the table and then interchanged in front of your eyes. You think you’re following the last movement and that’s where you’re being challenged. But that’s not it. When the cards were originally flicked and placed on the table that’s when the switch was made. What you thought was the second card being placed face downwards – wasn’t!
So in the parking meter scam, the switcheroo wasn’t the terms of the contract or the price or any of that jazz… those were just misdirection. The switch was way up front – who was really behind the contract. Was it Smart City Solution (SMS), who installs Parking metres? Was it National Parking Solutions (NPS)? Or was it Amir Oren, who we’re now told is the “major investor” behind the two named companies?
One wonders whether Kamau Cush collected a cushy “small piece” for delivering a contract for making money so outrageous, it makes the Royal Mint look like a cane juice stand. He’s still insisting he’s a “director” of the companies executing the deal – but the new head honcho didn’t even bring him up to date with the hiring of his new shill – Kit Nascimento. Your Eyewitness hopes Cush will get what he deserve in the days to come.
The new spinner – who’s even better than Sunil Narine – revealed: “we (meaning himself and Oren) were brought on after the contract was baked.”
It was a Freudian slip – he obviously meant “when the contract was cooked up”!!
…in Region 6 AFC
Whatever you may think about Ramayya out in Region 6 – and your Eyewitness confesses the fella wasn’t on his hit parade during the last elections! – he’s now looking like a prophet! Imagine Moses Nagamootoo has the testicular perspicacity to think he’s insulting Ramayya when he says his fellow villager never agreed to AFC’s merger with the PNC… oops! – APNU!
Insult? That’s the highest accolade that can come from the AFC camp. If Ramayya needed anything to guarantee himself a bright future in Berbice, all he has to do henceforth is to play a recording of Nagamootoo’s remark! Berbicians, after all, want to know what the marriage – which was consummated in front of all of them at Whim – has given them. They know Nagamootoo got “Larwah” and seemed quite comfortable with that… but what about them?
And if Nagamootoo claims Ramayya’s holdout was “racist”, what about Ramjattan’s “dead meat” prediction that was also just as prophetic.
Accepting Ramjattan ate his words for a mess of pottage! Thus his sour mein!
…with WI Cricket
The WICB ruined WI cricket and needs radical surgery according to the committee headed by Jamaican Statesman, PJ Patterson, a decade ago.
But nothing has or will happen. Parochialism will kill reform as with PM Mitchell’s resignation.

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