Thousands march against Mexico’s drug violence

Tens of thousands of Mexicans on Sunday, May 8, marched into the capital city to protest the wave of killing that has claimed 38,000 lives since President Felipe Calderon launched his war on drug gangs in late 2006.

Demonstrators, many wearing white and walking in silence, held up placards that read “Not a single more death,” “Enough already” and “No more bloodshed.”

The march started on Thursday, May 5, about 45 miles (72 km) from the capital in the tourist city of Cuernavaca, which has been rocked by drug-related violence and where, in March, suspected hitmen killed the son of writer Javier Sicilia, who is heading the march.

Sicilia, who called for a broad peace pact between citizens, government officials and politicians, also demanded that Public Security Minister Genaro Garcia resign. (Excerpt from France24)

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