This is yet another major recognition for the former President

Dear Editor,

I was delighted to hear the news that former President Bharat Jagdeo has been appointed Head of the Commonwealth Observer Mission for Sri Lanka’s elections. This is at the invitation of head of the Sri Lanka Elections Commission Mahindra Deshapriya.

Mr Jagdeo has never been given his due for the many developments he brought to this country during his tenure as President.

He was instrumental in pushing for the University of Guyana campus at Tain; bridging of the Berbice River; consolidating the many infrastructural developments introduced by the PPP/C, such as roads, water and electricity; overseeing the building of a stadium at Providence (which meets the criteria for hosting international matches); championing the cause for a cleaner environment through his reduced carbon emission programme for which he has been globally recognised; and many, many more.

His critics are focusing their attention on the limitations of his Government and conveniently ignoring his many stellar achievements. It is quite instructive that Mr Jagdeo has been recognised and awarded for his achievements by other countries around the world. This speaks volumes of his integrity and capabilities.

It is very unfair and scandalous that Mr Jagdeo was labelled as an “idological racist” by a particular media house and one of its controversial columnists, when he (Jagdeo) has reached out to Guyanese of all creeds, colour, religions, and social and political persuasions.

It is indeed an injustice and travesty to accuse such a dynamic and inspirational leader of such a cruel thing.

However, Mr Jagdeo has remained steadfast to his goals and aspirations and he is being recognised by yet another country. Some people in our country may not want to accord him with the necessary dignity and respect that a former President deserves, but he is moving on with charisma and humility.

Keep up the good work, Mr Jagdeo. As my former Principal said to a few of her teachers who were disrespectful to her, “Even if you don’t respect me, at least respect my office”.

This was quite instructive to me. Guyanese must respect their leaders, irrespective of who they are. At least, respect the “Office of President”.

Rakesh Singh

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