This is a good opportunity to contribute to Budget 2013

Dear Editor,
I have noticed that the government has already started to engage various stakeholders in relation to the 2013 national budget.
This is a very good effort by the government to include everyone in the decision-making process on issues affecting their well-being. There have always been concerns expressed mainly by opposition members and supporters that the government does not consult with them during the preparation of national budgets.
Well, here is the opportunity, so I am anxiously waiting to see the level of representation that will be made by these persons on behalf of their constituents.
The first round of consultations with stakeholders on the budget involving the private sector took place a few weeks ago. And consultations are expected to be held with organised labour, consumers, and pensioners, among other stakeholders.  From all indications, the government’s expectations are that these consultations would set a broader understanding on both sides – government and stakeholders – on what 2013 entails for the government strategically, and what it would be supporting in terms of budgetary measures.
I also suggest that every effort be made to have the tripartite talks among the parliamentary parties resumed soon. This is necessary, not only to have a national budget that is trouble-free, but to iron out all outstanding issues that are currently being stalled as a result of the bickering in Parliament.
We do not want to go down the same road we did earlier this year when the opposition did everything possible to frustrate the government. I wish to emphasise that it is very important that a range of stakeholders take the opportunity to have their voices heard in relation to the budget. There is no point in sitting on the fence after the fact and speculating about what should have been included in the budget when the opportunity exists for stakeholders to make an impact from the onset.
M Chand

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