Third edition of Business Guyana Magazine launched

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds and GCCI President Clinton Urling unveil the new magazine

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) last week launched the third edition of the Business Guyana Magazine at a ceremony held at the Pegasus Hotel.
Prime Minister Samuel Hinds was in attendance at the event where it was highlighted that Business Guyana Magazine 2012, is an investor’s guide to doing business in Guyana, and is an annual publication by the GCCI, with the target audience being potential domestic or international investors. It contains information that would guide them towards establishing a business in Guyana.
According to a Government Information Agency (GINA) release, the keynote address was delivered by Chinese Ambassador to Guyana Yu Wenzhe, who recognised that the GCCI is one of the oldest private sector organisations established in Guyana for the promotion of trade and investment, which has, over the years, played a positive role to the social and economic progress of Guyana.
Ambassador Wenzhe, speaking directly to the China-Guyana economic and trade relations and the future of the relationship, explained that the two countries, over the past 40 years, have treated each other as partners of equality and mutual benefit, supporting each other in spite of the changes in the international situation.
“Our bilateral trade was US$ 147 million in 2011, an increase of 46.3 per cent… our economic cooperation has extended from infrastructure, agriculture, timber and minerals to the field of modern technology, such as ICT,” Ambassador Wenzhe explained.
He added that Chinese direct investment in Guyana reached US$ 183 million last year, whilst business exchanges and contacts have gained momentum.
“More than 30 Guyanese entrepreneurs attended the Canton Trade Fair last spring and four Chinese companies participated in the just concluded third International Building Expo of Guyana,” Ambassador Wenzhe said. He added that members of the business community are dynamic players in China-Guyana relations, as their direct involvement invigorated China-Guyana cooperation.
Lokesh Singh, publisher, Business Guyana Magazine 2012, said his company is particularly pleased to be associated with the GCCI in the publication of this issue of the magazine.

Chinese Ambassador to Guyana Yu Wenzhe delivering the keynote address at the GCCI dinner

He added that over the three years, his company has been successful at building a relationship with the GCCI, which has yielded benefits, as the magazine generates a majority of their income, which achieves GCCI’s objectives.
“With regard to the business Guyana publication, we have seen this project grow in the past three years… it has now positioned itself across the market as the predominant publication for use by anyone interested in investing in the business sector in this country… it is being used by both the public and private sector in presenting this country to potential business investors,” Singh said.
President and chairman of the Trade and Investment Committee, GCCI, Clinton Urling spoke of the steps to develop such a publication, and the many adversities the project has outlived to now become a leading source of income for the chamber.
The magazine which is the brainchild of Urling, offers its readers insight into the local operations of businesses, based on the perspective of figureheads in the business community, including Ramesh Dookhoo, past chairman of the Private Sector Commission.

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