Think before taking your life

Dear Editor,

Have you ever felt that your life is in darkness and all you want is some light?

At some point you may feel worthless. The pain is too much, you cry every day and sometimes scream in the pillow to muffle the sound so you can’t be heard.

The agony, the torture, the pain all in your voice as you cried. You feel as if your world has crumbled. No one is there to comfort you and the person you had hopes on left you in sorrow.

Not everyone is brave to overcome their problems and depressions. Because every day a new thought may come to you and make you break down even more.

You’re stressed at home, at work, or at school. You had a long, hard day only to find out in the end, that you are being blamed for someone else’s mistake.

What makes us vulnerable is when we are scared to share our problems with others. We stop trusting, out feelings are sore, we can’t differentiate, we are just frustrated and confused. Our minds are set towards negative thoughts. When we can’t bear it anymore or keep it in any longer, we feel as if we can ease the pain from our misery by causing harm to ourselves.

Those harms will let us focus on that pain. But what you don’t know is that’s a new pain added to our turmoil. It’s like you start all over again and this time, it’s even worse.

When you are depressed you don’t need to take matters in your own hands. You may not trust anyone, but don’t be afraid. Not everyone will hurt you. Find someone who you can confide in and is willing to help you. Tell them about your problems. I’m sure they will advise you or maybe take you to counselling.

Taking your life won’t ease anything. It will make matters worse.

Think about your family. How will they feel? They will feel devastated. They will feel helpless. They will feel as if they were not good parents or siblings. They will feel responsible for your outcome.

But you know how I feel? I feel as if you were selfish. You were selfish, because you think only about yourself. When you have problems, stay, face them and be brave. Talk about it. Listen to those who are in it. Question yourself. Ask yourself if what you are doing is the right thing?

Who am I hurting? What did I do wrong? How can I get help?

There are solutions for all our problems. We are not alone. Don’t say that you will never hurt yourself or take your life, always have faith in God (whatever you conceive Him to be). Pray and let him show you the way and make things easier for you.

You don’t need to be rich or poor. Depression can happen to anyone. Depression is when an individual suffers from anxiety problems, disillusions, loss of appetite, inertia, ceases communication, is emotional, always have an unwavering and bleak outlook, and feels all alone. More importantly depression leads to suicide. Do not do it.

Yours truly,

Arianna Khan

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