They only know vindictiveness

Dear Editor,
As a very keen observer of politics in Guyana and a contributor by way of comments to the series of debates on corruption hosted by the National Communication Network (NCN), Sunday night’s debate (2012-09-02) which was supposed to focus on the former president’s benefit bill just proved me right once again.
As usual the Alliance For Change (AFC) continues to deceive their supporters to avoid shame and the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) decided not to show up.
With all the huge claims that were made about the former president’s pension package explaining and defending them should’ve been a cake walk for Nigel Hughes. Instead what we had, as with every other issue discussed so far, a shifting of the goal post and on this instance the hurling of spurious allegations and the casting of a shadow over the former president’s acquisition and ownership of a property that was legally done.
I was so surprised that the AFC chairman would stoop to the level of questioning the value, size and model of the house that the former president chose to erect for his own comfort during his days out of office.
It is as if Hughes is saying that being a past president prevents persons from living in comfort, erecting properties etc.

Yours sincerely,
Attiya Baksh

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