‘These elections were rigged’ – Ramotar

President-Donald-Ramotar-speaking-PPP/C’s Presidential Candidate Donald Ramotar has refused to concede that the PPP/C has lost the 2015 general elections and while saying that the party has won, has called for a total recount of all the votes.

“I cannot concede that I lost this election,” he told reporters at a PPP/C press conference at Freedom House on Thursday afternoon. Asked by the media if he would give up power should the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) officially declare the APNU+AFC alliance the winner of the elections later today (Thursday), Ramotar responded that “I haven’t closed any options.” He said that he will be consulting with his team and did not rule out a legal challenge.

“We are convinced that these elections were rigged,” Ramotar said, while adding that the party did not agree with the assessment of international observers that the elections were credible. He called for a total recount of all the votes and said that Chief Election Officer Keith Lowenfield had found problems with 490 polling results.

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