There is need to reward excellence in public service

Dear Editor,

As we continue to embrace our national strategy towards a sustainable economy with a focus on ecotourism, we must also continue to develop our reward systems for commitment and excellence in public service.

For time spent providing exemplary work as a teacher, nurse or doctor, Police Officer, soldier, fireman/firewoman, or in other areas within Government regardless of party affiliation, workers should be given the opportunity to obtain subsidised housing and access to preferential financing rates. This will attract more candidates to these crucial roles in our society and help ease the heaviest financial burden our citizens undertake, while at the same time fostering economic growth in the housing sector. Also, in the area of teaching, the awarding of tenure for proven success in public schools will help retain top talent and encourage entry into the profession.

Continued investment in our infrastructure, specifically in the maintenance and upkeep of our courts, police stations, army bases, schools, hospitals and fire stations should continue to be a top priority in the area of ongoing Government investments and expenses.

It is essential that our key institutions:

reflect the level of quality that our fellow Guyanese would enjoy being a part of foster confidence in the general public and visiting tourists stay competitive versus other tourist destinations

Given the size of our Government, the additional growth this investment will spur in the construction sector should not be overlooked. As the nation grows, we must not forsake that which forms the foundation that allows us to support our growth.

Working closely on an agreed agenda with the unions and institutions representing our public servants is a must for any government to be successful in designing enhancements in the worker benefits provided to Government workers. The above examples of benefits that could be additionally provided are at a very low cost to the Government given the design of the benefits package. The mentioned investment in the upkeep of the infrastructure of these cornerstone institutions in our nation should be viewed as both necessary and beneficial by administrations focused on economic growth. To govern is to provide a service to those who have empowered you to do so, and public servants make it possible for any government to serve its people well.

Best regards,

Jamil Changlee


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