The zoo – possible bright spot in Guyana

Dear Editor,

I am so glad that rumours are really nothing to go by. The story is that the National Parks Commission (NPC) is denying that the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) is purchasing an elephant. However, the NPC said that plans are on stream for the expansion of the rundown Zoological Park.

Now, I am extremely glad about this. I keep saying that Guyana is not rich, but the country is growing. Too many times, people want ‘now’ that which is ‘perfect’. Guyana has a good zoo, but it can be managed better. Let me illustrate. The washroom system must be more commodious and maybe at maximum just Gy$ 20 per visit. And please ensure that water is ever and always present. Sixty is just too much. And how about considering the children? Should they pay? In this vein, how about setting up a little amusement park for them? It does not call for much – a few small rides, some swings, and for sure, a nice swimming pool. These items can be established via the adopted method too. It will be nice to visit say the Banks DIH Botanical Swimming Pool; or let’s check out the National Sports Commission Children’s Swings; etc. Currently, managing the zoo is just a big headache – it is so vast and diverse. The logistics can be a nightmare.

So the strategy may be to do it in pockets. The next thing to bolster the zoo is to have a proper ‘eating spot’. I mean not just a snack bar – the samples must be full blown. In other words, have a snackette and a mini-restaurant. I can think also of having some kind of amusement for the children – animal tricks, a clown or magician, etc. There can also be little educational talks, from students of the University of Guyana. Books and booklets can be prepared and at just a ‘token’ price. See, how all of this – plans, ideas, projects, strategies etc. make for inspiration.

However, the caution is that the work must be consistent and intense. Again, I agree that it will take time, energy and money, but if we all stick with it, it will come about – a good zoo. Please, never ever despise small beginnings.

Yours truly,

Ramkissoon Jodhan

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