The view – This week’s tourism page features picturesque scenes from Linden and the village of Ituni

A view of Linden, the town of bauxite mining, is breath-taking. When on the hills, there is a beautiful and amazing panoramic view of the town, and on the opposite side, there is an expansive blue water lake. A trip made possible by telecommunications provider Digicel, a view of scenic Ituni, located on the Upper Demerara-Berbice River was also spectacular.

A village that existed since the 1940s, according to residents, Ituni now has more than 1,000 residents, most of whom depend on logging to sustain them.

The village has a police station, medical centre, a school, a powerhouse with 24-hour power supply, and persons travel through to get to Kwakwani. They also have telecommunications services, and recently Digicel launched a telecommunications site there with hundreds coming out to celebrate.

Although a typical rural community, the villagers said they are surviving, and have never thought of leaving.


Blue lake is said to be man-made from bauxite excavations that became filled with rainwater over the years.No one is sure just how deep it is, or what, if anything, lives within its 'blue' depths


The trains that were used in bauxite mining in Linden have since been replaced

A section of the Ituni village. Residents say most of the houses date back to the 1940s
This overhead tank since the 1940s once supplied the village of Ituni with water


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