The value of drama must not be lost

Dear Editor,

This year, Guyana managed to secure five of eight regional Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) awards. Though this was an outstanding achievement for both the students and Guyana as a country, it is time to place emphasis on performing arts.

Just recently, Guyana took a step further by conferring several diplomas in theatre arts and drama. Drama is a specific mode of fiction that can be showcased by way of performance. The term comes from a Greek word meaning “action”. Drama has been considered as the oldest and the earliest term of imitative arts.

In 2012, the National School of Theatre Arts and Drama was established in Guyana, but was only recently launched. In February, the school opened its doors to students who longed to pursue a career in performing arts and drama.

Performing arts is no stranger to Guyana, and actually for quite some time, the Theatre Guild of Guyana was considered as the breeding and training ground for those involved in theatre.

Additionally, the National Culture Centre is also well utilised by talented groups of performers for training and on-stage productions.

In Guyana, drama has been used by many to express talent and emotions.

Several entertainment groups have even made their productions into lucrative businesses. Many talented individuals have over the years become well known choreographers and performers involved in exquisite productions countrywide.

Including drama in every school’s curriculum enables students to cultivate skills in creativity, public speaking and other areas such as confidence and teamwork. It is also used as a medium of teaching, entertaining and communicating.

While many parents fear participation in drama will affect their child’s academic progress, studies have shown that students involved in arts tend to have a high academic performance.

They improve significantly in many personal areas, including public speaking, self- confidence, self-discipline, time management, and better social and interactive skills.

I urge parents to encourage their children and further support those who are already interested in pursuing studies in drama.

Name withheld by request

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