The ultimate sick mind

Freddie Kissoon claimed that back in 2011, Donald Ramotar, who would have been the general secretary of the PPP then, described him as ‘a sick man’. He tried to brush off the description by sarcastically observing that the now president wasn’t from the ‘medical profession’.
So if you see a fella throwing his cast-net on the public road; claiming he’s ‘catching fish’, you have to be a doctor to conclude that he’s wacko?
In fact that’s the very kind of off-the-wall reasoning that makes people look at Kissoon oddly. Anyway, Kissoon swears that the president has now changed his mind. How does Kissoon know this, you ask? Well, Kissoon heard through his grapevine (Mark Benschop, Enrico Woolford) that the Chronicle ran his old articles on the “Buxton Conspiracy”.
“So what?” I can hear you ask. Kissoon swears that the Chronicle would never print his articles unless it was approved by Donald Ramotar!! Man! Talk about loose-screws! But there is a less far-fetched explanation. But before we get to that we can get another glimpse into Kissoon’s mind. We deal with Kissoon because he represents a ‘tendency’ that is prevalent in a certain stratum in Georgetown.
Kissoon screamed that, “the Chronicle didn’t have the decency to seek my permission,” for printing the articles. Surely he hasn’t forgotten that since he wrote the articles for the Chronicle back in 2003, they have the right to publish them whenever they feel like it. Maybe Kissoon hadn’t declared the fat fee he received at the time and is terrified Kurshid will haul him in?
What we believe the editor of the Chronicle might have been doing was to contrast Kissoon’s charge that former President Jagdeo was an ‘ideological racist’ (the case is back on the front burner once again) with Kissoon’s 2003 description of the real ideological racists. People like Mark Benschop, who’s now his bosom buddy.
What had Kissoon written? For starters: that Benschop, whom he dubbed the “Wild Man”, was one of those that indoctrinated the young Buxton killers into race hate: Kissoon has to be certifiably sick to consort with people of this mind-set.

AFC sees the light?
Another fella in the political arena whom many feel might not have all his marbles ‘up there’, is Khemraj Ramjattan. Just look at him speak on any platform and you’ll understand the widespread trepidation about his mental health. The foaming at the mouth is a dead giveaway! But recent developments suggest that Ramjattan might be on the road to recovery.
After viciously cussing out the PPP for the past six years or so, he’s suddenly announced that he agrees with that party on a most crucial issue. Granger first called for an inquiry into the violence between 2004-2011. The PPP said OK, but let it go back to the seventies and there be a Truth and Reconciliation Committee so that there’s no witch-hunting . And what did Ramjattan say? Let there be a Truth and Reconciliation Committee; no witch-hunting and begin way before 2004!
But Ramjattan might still not be quite in touch with reality since he refuses to admit that he’s lining up with the PPP. Maybe he’s embarrassed? Nah…that fella has no shame. He’s still off centre.

A tragedy
Fresh on the heels of the Pomeroon boat tragedy that claimed six lives comes confirmation that at least 10 others have been killed in another collision of two boats on an Essequibo waterway. With the increased traffic into the interior because of the gold rush, regulations must be tightened and enforced.

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