The simple joys of softball cricket

Dear Editor,

The former Barbadian parliamentarian Hamilton Lashley recently declared that, as the foundation of all forms of cricket, there is urgent need for the re-emergence of softball cricket on the island. With that said, I personally believe that softball cricket should be promoted in Guyana.

Records show that people like Joel Garner, Malcolm Marshall, Carlisle Best, and many other top Bajan cricketers all played softball cricket quite frequently. Softball is a fun and safe game that can provide indulgence for all age groups. All that is needed is a bat and ball.

It has that element of fun when easy catches are dropped due to the rubbery nature of the ball and maybe this is a good way to help fielders prepare for actual hard ball cricket. In fact, I don’t ever recall anyone being seriously injured during a game of softball.

When it comes to hardball cricket, it is vital that our cricketers note that when it is not possible to play for whatever reason they still have the option of playing in a few softball games. It will help them to keep them fit and if they are well known in the sport, they will gradually draw the attentions of youths.

Many of our schools don’t have the facility and space to allow our young lads to indulge in a game of hardball cricket. This is a typical opportunity where softball cricket can be made use of. Quite often I’ve witnessed the enjoyment and enthusiasm that young lads have when they play a good game of cricket. They become so absorbed in their game that there’s no chance of distracting.

We have so many vacant lots and under utilised community centres here in Guyana. It is time for little clubs to emerge and allow lads from nearby communities to indulge in a good game or two. The exercise will do all participants a lot of good and since players are dismissed by hitting out of the yard, then that element of self-discipline is the added benefit.

Only once have I ever heard of softball cricket coverage in Guyana and it was indeed refreshing. Additionally, coverage and attention should also be placed on street games, since it allows for a good game of fun, while also allowing our children to be profitably occupied.


Damien Jhaboor

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