The secret of…

… Soylent Green

In 1944, George Orwell wrote about what life would be in the ultimate totalitarian state. He called it “1984”, the year he predicted that state would come into being – in the then “future”. For us Guyanese, of course, who were said to be “politically precocious”, Burnham established his totalitarian Dictatorship by 1974, when he made his (in)famous “Declaration of Sophia”: the PNC was paramount over the state!!
Around that same time there was another movie made, “Soylent Green”, also set in the future – that future being 2022. Yep, dear reader, you’ re just a few years away from the future! And what a future!! By then, matters had gone real downhill since “1984” and folks couldn’t even get fresh food to eat. It was all manufactured – the most nutritious being “Soylent Green”. While the name suggested mundane origins – “soy” and “lent” – from “lentils” – it was actually made from human flesh! That’s the dénouement of totalitarianism – we’re going to end up literally eating each other!!
Now after your Eyewitness heard about President Granger firing another 400 sugar workers (after the first 1700 at Wales) and at the same time painting every official structure “Green”, all he could do was paraphrase Pogo’s famous remark, “I have seen the future – and it is the PNC!” Both of these actions spring from the totalitarian impulses of the PNC – which Granger openly declared will be remade in his Founder-Leader’s image.
And don’t for one moment think the slaughter of innocents in the sugar industry – which has only just begun – isn’t President Granger’s doings. Agri Minister correctly said “wasn’t me!” but he pointed to Minister Jordan, who pointed to “NICIL”, which in turn pointed to the mysterious, anonymous, “Special Purpose Unit”. But when that Unit is finally given a face, it will say, “The President gave the order!” And had done so since before the 2015 campaign.
Burnham had said his co-op experiment would continue even though there was one Guyanese left standing. And it’s clear President Granger takes his master’s voice, literally. And the Soylent Green? Maybe it’s not made from the flesh of the sugar workers being thrown into the streets, but it has to be the distillation of the green bile folks in the PNC have for those who oppose them.
It also represents the psychological drive of the totalitarian leader to not only rule absolutely, but to insist that the people know it. Especially those of the sugar workers’ ilk.
Green is the PNC’s colour and by painting buildings representing State power green, this symbolises the State and the PNC are coterminous.
PNC uber alles!!
…the Exxon contract
Finally, after stonewalling the Guyanese people for over a year with all kinds of “cock and bull” stories, the PNC Government says they’ll release the Exxon contract later this month. So what’s changed from before? Santa Claus coming to town? With a “Ho! Ho! Ho!” Trotman’s gonna whip out the contract from his red briefcase?
What’s going on? Chris Ram insists there was a “Bonus” of US$20 million paid by Exxon that the Government has been hiding. Now, bonuses in the oil and gas industry are as common as ice cream and come in “different flavours: signature bonus, discovery bonus, first oil sales, production bonus,” says Wiki. But the Government denied the bonus payment – so how will it defend the truth – soon to be out?
The Government spokesman’s conveniently let slip that they WON’T be paying the legal fees – if the Border Controversy is sent to the World Court –from any Exxon bonus!!!
So they were hiding the US$20 million for our national good!! Sure and Santa rides a sleigh!!
…the forgiven taxes
Delinquent taxpayers will have the interest written off, if they cough up in the early part of next year.
The Opposition Leader says to look at those lining up at the trough! Friends with benefits!!

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