The most famous stretch of seawall in Guyana is the Georgetown seawall. It has undoubtedly become one of the most loved areas for relaxation, family time, social liming, and even exercise activities.
And, unless you’ve got your head stuck in a pot, you would have seen the Georgetown seawall jam-packed with thousands of people from all social strata, save for rainy days. It is the gathering point for the younger folks in Georgetown.
Just metres away from Guyana’s stony protection from the raging Atlantic Ocean, hundreds of cars are parked, their occupants enjoying all types of refreshments as they engage in a lime.
On Sundays, as soon as the sun has set, males and females of varying age groups and diverse economic and social backgrounds make the pilgrimage to their entertainment Mecca – the Georgetown seawall. Maybe the area offers some special kind of comfort, or perhaps they just like the piquant breeze blowing in from the Atlantic Ocean.
Admittedly, there might be issues involving litter the following day, but not for long. It must be accepted that no other occasion draws such a cross-section of the society. Social experts theory that the seawall has “multi-faceted appeal.”
The Georgetown seawall has been known as a lovers’ lane for decades; and the not-infrequent presence of young and not-so-young couples there could be regarded as endorsement of this sobriquet, as they enjoy the relaxing atmosphere at the Georgetown seawall whether on moonlit or starlit nights.
“Phenomenal” is the best word to describe a seawall lime. It is definitely a preferred way to enjoy a couple of hours on a Sunday evening.