The school uniform assistance will help to ease the burden off parents

Dear Editor,
As a single parent, I am very happy that the Ministry of Education in Guyana has undertaken to distribute school uniform vouchers to ease the burden off parents. I know that not every parent can afford to purchase items needed for school and such support by the government helps. I should point out that this voucher is not meant to take care of all the expenses of the student, it is meant to assist and parents should be smart enough to utilise it wisely. Some of us have a way of not treating things too seriously when they come free, but let me say that this is a cost to the state which is paid for by taxpayers.
The School Uniform Programme was introduced a few years ago to improve attendance, participation rates, and attainment levels, by ensuring that every child has the basic necessities for school. I could recall that this programme was initiated by former President Bharrat Jagdeo and has since seen thousands of children benefiting.
Editor, this is evidence that the administration is keen on ensuring that our children are given a fair chance of acquiring an education so that they would be able to break the cycle of poverty and also help in the development of their communities.
I hope that with time, even more assistance would be given to students who find it hard to meet their basic needs in their quest to get a sound education.
Yours  truly,
Romena Ally

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