The pre-1992 Guyana was indeed a dismal one

Dear Editor,

It is evident that members of the opposition and even a few members of the media become exceedingly annoyed when reference is made to the conditions that Guyana, as a nation, endured prior to 1992. It was indeed a dismal era.

Estate workers were subjected to harsh and extreme living and working conditions. Pillaging and intimidation drove many people away from Guyana. Eventually, Guyana managed to overcome this epoch of agonising way of life and the callous conditions that accompanied it.

Though the memory of that particular era still haunts many, they are indeed grateful for what Guyana has revolutionised into. Guyana has without a doubt over the years climaxed to exceptional heights.

Prior to 1992, there was no tolerance for freedom of speech. Thoughts against the regime of the People’s National Congress (PNC) were not accepted. People were forced to join the party and attend marches and rallies. Voting had no significance, since elections were nothing remotely close to being fair and free.

As we speak, Guyana may not be a paradise to some, but we cannot deny the fact that we have significantly progressed over the years in many areas.

Yours truly,

Goldine Semple

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