The PPP has selected a man with the right vision to lead the party and Guyana

Dear Editor,

Mr Donald Ramotar was recently selected by the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) to lead that party at the upcoming elections, due later this year. The PPP could not have chosen a better person to be its presidential candidate, and there is no question of Mr Ramotar’s ability to discharge the duties of the office to the satisfaction of the entire electorate.

I believe that he has already walked half that journey, having been at the helm of the largest political party in the country as its manager first, and later as the party’s general secretary, following the death of former President Dr Cheddi Jagan.

I think there are two more battles left for Mr Ramotar. The first is for his party to win the elections, which according to his party’s lieutenants is made easy by his selection as presidential candidate. If his party wins the elections, then the other battle will begin in earnest. The other battle is that, should his party win, then he will be required to lead the entire country.

We know for a fact that every individual has his or her own leadership style; but whatever style Mr Ramotar chooses to adopt, it is hoped that he recognizes that the interest of the people of this country takes precedence, and that he will continue to be the selfless fighter he has been characterized by members and supporters of his party.

He has always struck me as a person who could lead from the front, and the nation at large would be looking forward for astute leadership from this humble son of the soil, should his party win the next elections.


Samuel Clarke

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