The police are doing a very commendable job in finally clearing up the Stabroek Market area

Dear Editor,  

I must say that the actions of the police to clean up the Stabroek Market Square are very timely and appropriate. For too long, that place has existed in a manner of filth and cluster generated by the vendors and many stall holders who occupy the area. Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee quite justifiably fears that the area is a haven for criminal activity that places large numbers of innocent, unsuspecting Guyanese in harm’s way, and threatens their lives. 

It is about time that the authorities get rid of those many stalls that congest and cluster the area in the most degrading and unflattering manner. The Stabroek Market is a national treasure, and should be treated as such. Its environs should be clean, decent and inviting. It should not be portrayed as a place to find rum shops, and a dwelling place for junkies etc to sit and gamble all day and night; and as a place where all manner of illegal and illicit activities take place. 

We must be mindful that the interests and concerns of the people are met. And I can say, without fear of contradiction, that the police have tried for a very long time to have those stall holders desist from occupying the Stabroek area and relocate elsewhere. Stall holders should relocate to a more convenient and appropriate location. The police are doing a very commendable job in finally clearing up this area. 


Nigel Green

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