The PNC playbook…

…on power
In case anyone had any doubts about the veracity of David Granger’s claim to the PNC-faithful in Atlanta that he’d been “always PNC”, they should’ve been dissipated by now like morning mist in this equinox sun we’re sweltering under! Behind that vacuous, simpering expression he cultivates, the man does not deviate from the PNC playbook, compiled by Forbes Burnham – and passed on directly to him when he was just a junior officer in the GDF.
Imagine Burnham entrusting a junior officer with his indoctrination programme for the armed forces (Wilfred Mc David was responsible for the Public service) at a time when army coups were as common as the common cold. Burnham knew young Granger had bought his Machiavellian line on power, hook, line and sinker. Granger was, and has remained, a “true believer” of Burnhamism and it shouldn’t have surprised anyone he’s turned over his home to the “Burnham Foundation”.
Burnham’s central Machiavellian idea was “… in the actions of men, and especially of princes, the end justifies the means”. The “end”, of course, being holding on to power. And it’s because of this maxim that Granger can utter all the barefaced lies he does with such fervour, faith and aplomb. How else could he justify this whopper: “My government has complied with the orders of the courts at all times. It has acted correctly, in good faith, and in accordance with the guidelines laid down by constitutional conventions”.
This from a man who still hasn’t “proclaimed” an election date nine months after an NCM which constitutionally demands he does so within THREE months?!! Machiavelli also proposed, “…experience shows that nowadays those princes who have accomplished great things have had little respect for keeping their word and have known how to confuse men’s minds with cunning”. Moses Nagamootoo is still waiting to Chair Cabinet meetings – as promised by Granger in the Cummingsburg Accord!! And once again, the AFC is negotiating with Granger and expects him to keep his word!! That fella who was disappointed that Granger hasn’t kept his word as an “officer” and a “gentleman” shouldn’t hold his breath.
After calling the peaceful protest of his appearance as an illegal President at the GMSA lunch “hooliganism”, Granger also told the press, “There is no political unrest in Guyana”. This, of course, is reminiscent of Burnham boasting after he was eased into office, he’d brought “Peace, not conflict”!!
The man could even say, “The Elections Commission is responsible explicitly and exclusively for the CONDUCT of elections”. And pretend that means GECOM sets the DATE for elections!!
Or take 6 ministers with him to Mabaruma and say it’s not campaigning!!

…on Amerindians
Last week, the Amerindian Peoples’ Association (APA), which no one can say is aligned with the Opposition, issued a Report: “Ina Nono, Ina Uko’manto’ Eina Pata, Eina Komantok or Our Land, Our Life”. It followed 16 months of investigations in 20 Indigenous villages in Region 7. Land titling was a major problem with 5 villages untouched completely and the others having less than full titles.
But inter alia, they found: “Police officers and army soldiers have entered the village supposedly to do patrols and provide security for the airstrip. However, villagers report that these Police and army soldiers have assaulted women and stolen from the village…the village has complained over the years that women in the community have been sexually assaulted and that army soldiers have had relationships with married women, causing strife”.
The Police Commander replied, baldly: “The villagers have never reported these things to us. They have not. I have not, we have never gotten a report from them or anyone about such allegations”.
After the Police Inquiry absolved Alves, this is surprising??

…and Caricom
After the US, Britain and the EU came out and outrightly condemned the PNC Government for its “constitutional breach” on elections, some are expecting Caricom to sally forth with something similar.
Don’t hold your breath, dear readers.

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