The PM’s statement is an insult to Guyanese

Dear Editor,
Responding to the suggestion by Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo, that Guyana should ask for an international agency to take over the running of the local government elections, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo said an “international agency running local elections would be an insult to Guyana”. Really, Mr Nagamootoo?
While I certainly do not support Mr Jagdeo’s idea, the Prime Minister’s statement is the real insult – an insult to the intelligence of the people of this country.
Where was Mr Nagamootoo when, in 2015, at the last general elections, the representatives of the so-called ABC countries were busily administering the elections to shape the outcome?
Based on his utterance, Mr Nagamootoo would certainly believe it to be an insult to Guyana if foreign agencies and governments constantly interfere in our internal affairs. Well, then unfortunately, Mr Nagamootoo, we stand insulted. The coalition Government that you represent takes constant direction from the ABC countries and their agencies. This is what ensures that the APNU+AFC coalition will remain in place. Who better to manage our much-vaunted flag and anthem so-called independence?
If it were up to us, the people…well, it would be a different story!

Gerald A Perreira

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