The plight of Leguan farmers

Dear Editor,

I wish to draw the attention of the government to the plight of the farmers in Leguan. It is a known fact that most rice farmers are not being paid for last crop paddy despite the fact they suffered a loss. Presently they are unable to plant this crop because the weather condition is not suitable since the rain is not falling.

As I write the Island is surrounded by salt water which is having a telling effect in the agriculture sector. Hardship for the farmers is prevailing on the island. They are wondering where the next dollar will come from.

The PPP government in their vision was putting things in place to deal with any eventuality that would have impacted negatively on the rice industry on the island, by establishing a plantain chip factory.

Thus, giving the farmers an alternative to other means of income.

It appears this project is neglected by the present government or the Minister of Business does not have any idea how to move this project forward. Since the government distanced itself from the rice industry the residents are calling on them to make the plantain chip factory operable as early as possible so they can have an alternative to rice cultivation.

At the same time the rice farmers are asking that the government give them some financial assistance (grant) so they and their families can survive for the next year.

As I speak this is also the plight of farmers on the neighbouring Island of Wakenaam.

Yours sincerely,

Sheik Inshan Ayube

Vice Chairman

Region 3

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