The partnership between Scripps College of Communication and UG should be lauded


Dear Editor,

During my time at the University of Guyana, I was engaged in various lobbying efforts to have the curriculum reformed to cater for the changes that are taking place both nationally and internationally. Certainly, we cannot have an outdated curriculum and be able to produce graduates capable enough to take on the challenges of today’s world. The University of Guyana has a crucial role to play in national development and courses offered by the institution must be designed to cater for this.

Now I am happy that at least there is some movement to have the content reviewed for some of the courses – Communication being one of them. Recently Scripps College of the U.S. and UG were able to work together in various areas to improve what obtains at the UG’s Centre for Communication Studies and the media field in general. This partnership has resulted in the Communication Course at UG being more relevant and practical. For a very long time students were pressing for the Communications curriculum at the University of Guyana to be reformed and the Scripps College of Communication faculty and staff have worked to upgrade the course content.

The programme also advanced the education and experience of the University of Guyana’s faculty through master’s degrees and professional workshops. I believe that the support given by Scripps College would go a far way in raising the level of journalistic practices in Guyana.

Editor, I understand that changes made to the programme have already made an impact on UG’s reputation within the Caribbean. In a short space of time the curriculum went from being 20 years behind of other universities in the Caribbean to a more dynamic and modern programme. Let’s hope that there will be similar undertakings for the other courses, especially those offered by the Faculty of Technology.

Yours sincerely,

Artie Singh


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