The Opposition want power by any means necessary

Dear Editor,

Do permit me space in your publication to make and share my observations on matters of grave consequence to this dear land of ours, and its peoples. I have no political imperative, but as a patriotic Guyanese, it is my duty to highlight the gross disrespect and contempt being fostered on this noble nation by the one-seat majority in Parliament.

You see, deception is the foundation of military strategy and tactics, which simply means, by any means necessary, and the A Partnerhsip for National Unity (APNU)/ Peoples National Congress/ Reform (PNC/ R) leader, David Granger, and his batman, Joseph Harmon, are both schooled in this.

For example, look at the way he won the leadership of the party, the reneging on the Linden agreement on electricity tariffs with government; touring the Amaila Falls project at government’s expense, expressing his satisfaction with the overall project, then voting against its implementation, relegating hundreds of workers jobless, yet getting in the media and blowing his trumpet about youth unemployment; cutting two years’ budget of the government’s developmental projects, again relegating thousands of workers including his own constituents just to stimulate his super-inflated ego and gross arrogance as his economic terrorism continues, with his batman Harmon who is also afflicted with the same dreaded disease of arrogance; and daring to threaten the banks with not honouring any obligations made by the present Peoples Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/ C) administration.

When and if they get into government, the supreme leader Granger should hold a parade with his APNU members of Parliament with Harmon as parade commander and he taking the salute with the music of the Everley Brothers “Dream, dream, dream”, playing.

This individual can only dream of being president and commander- in- chief, and continue to perpetrate his economic terrorism on this nation by trying to frustrate any positive programme the state proposes and implement since the programmes and projects put forward for development are in keeping with their manifesto.

The success of which is like a thorn in APNU’s side, for which there is none that the APNU can project and must hide behind their perception of corruption, for which they can only rave and slander without providing facts and figures when on previous occasions they were given the opportunity of placing their facts and evidence before the nation.

Meanwhile, the parliamentary abuse continues with the stalling of the anti-money laundering bill and firearms bill. It is my feeling that when the Specialty Hospital is built, a special wing must be given over for the known basket cases from APNU, and Minister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee will still be there to open the new wing to be built.

Meanwhile, dream on Granger and Harmon. Then awake and cry over the nation’s progress.


Concerned citizen


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