The opposition seems undisturbed by recent gun crimes

Dear Editor,

The head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr Roger Luncheon recently expressed his disappointment as it relates to the increase in crime in Guyana and personally, I find it disturbing. Statistics reveal that there has been a five percent increase in crime, when compared to the same period in 2012. Robbery under arms has been identified as a major factor in the increase in crime in Guyana.

It is common knowledge that firearms are not manufactured in Guyana, but can easily become accessible to criminals via illegal entry into the country.

I recall in March of this year, the parliamentary opposition voted against the amendment of the firearms act, which was primarily seeking to strengthen enforcement against illicit and illegal firearms entering Guyana.

There has been a worldwide fight against gun crime, so, for the life of me, I cannot understand why the combined opposition would vote against such a much-needed regulation.

On the contrary, literature shows that criminals are deterred by higher penalties as well as knowing that potential victims have the ability to defend themselves.

There exists indeed a strong negative relationship between the number of law-abiding citizens with gun permits and the crime rate. Simply put, the more people obtain permits, the greater chance there is of a reduction in violent crime rates.

The opposing of the firearms amendment bill by the Alliance For Change (AFC) and the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) leaves me to conclude that these parties are against the safety and well-being of the nation. They have no concern for civility, law and order, and non-violence.


Victoria Marks

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