The OLPF project gets a boost

Dear Editor,
Most Guyanese are still foaming at the mouth because of the recent budgetary cuts. One of the horrible repercussions of these cuts was that the One Laptop Per Family (OLPF) programme became threatened. However, government even at that juncture, promised to keep the project alive. Now it is good to know that life is still going on, even though the budgetary cuts have been debated, and there seems to be little happening, where a reversal is likely.
The word is that the governments of Guyana and China strengthened their bilateral relations, through the signing of a US$8 million grant-gift agreement, for the supply of 30,000 laptops. The laptops are expected to be of a high quality and will arrive in Guyana in good staid and in the not too distant future.
This is one venture that the government hopes will significantly aid its Information Communication Technology (ICT) drive. China National Machinery Import and Export Corporation (CMC) Project Manager David Huang and Office of the President Permanent Secretary Omar Shariff signed the agreement in the boardroom of the Office of the President. Huang expressed delight with the collaboration between the two governments and their relations, which he stated have been quite satisfactory so far.
Only recently, Guyana and China celebrated 40 years of friendship. So this gesture is simply a testimony to the existing camaraderie. Also it must be noted that the OLPF programme has seen approximately 10,000 laptops go to persons earning Gy$50,000 or less, many differently-able and also single parent families. The programme will now continue with the verification process and the remaining applicants will receive their laptops. Also, persons earning up to Gy$100,000 are now being invited to submit their applications for the laptops, as this phase will soon be ushered in.
Readers, this venture in its totality, takes time, but it is worth it. It is quite costly too, so that is why there was great fear when the budget was cut (by the joint opposition). I really hope that irrespective of how politics play out, that laptops will be the norm for Guyanese. Currently, the many roadside internet cafes are ripping off even the students of Guyana.
Editor, I suggest that more innovative moves like this China-Guyana one be explored. It is no use to sit and mope, hoping for the opposition to recant. Good governance means moving ahead irrespective of obstacles. To me, the PPP/C really can do some good work now.

Yours truly,
Crandon Haig

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