The Nirvana Foundation

Parbaty Tejsingh (far left) with a section of primary school children who received packages of school supplies at the Nirvana Center in August
Parbaty Tejsingh (far left) with a section of primary school children who received packages of school supplies at the Nirvana Center in August

The Nirvana Foundation is known for its continued benevolence to the Guyanese community. It recently concluded another successful youth camp along with a series of fundraising and humanitarian events in Guyana.

The Nirvana Humanitarian Society, of Kastev, Meten-Meer-Zorg, West Coast Demerara, a branch of the New York-based Nirvana Humanitarian Foundation (NFH), recently awarded the sum of GYD$250,000 to Parmeshwari Seodat towards her college fund.

Seodat graduated from the Saraswati Vidya Niketan with 15 grade ones at the 2013 CSEC examination, despite financial challenges faced by her family. According to the foundation, Seodat’s wish to pursue higher education at the University of Guyana was dampened by financial constraints and her inability to acquire a loan to cover tuition fees.   With the grant from Nirvana, Seodat will be able to pursue her studies in the Medical Imaging (Bachelor’s Degree) programme at the University of Guyana where she has been accepted.

The youth’s initial plight was highlighted when members of her family met Ramesh Deochand, public relations officer of Nirvana, while he was on a recent visit in Guyana.  He was able to secure funds to cover Seodat’s first year studies through donations from members of NHF.   The award was handed over to Seodat by a committee member of Nirvana, witnessed by other members of the charitable institution.

Abideen Shaw, committee member of Nirvana, presents the scholarship grant to Parmeshwari, while other members of Nirvana look on
Abideen Shaw, committee member of Nirvana, presents the scholarship grant to Parmeshwari, while other members of Nirvana look on

The Nirvana Humanitarian Society, through support from NHF, has been operating in Guyana as a non-profit institution since 1997.  At its headquarters at Kastev, East Meten-Meer-Zorg, West Coast Demerara, Nirvana provides low-cost classes in computers, sewing and catering, and electrical repairs.   Recently, Nirvana extended its community outreach programmes by offering enrichment and remedial classes free of charge to students of Chateau’s Land in Meten-Meer-Zorg.  To encourage and support activities for senior citizens, Nirvana has launched a programme to facilitate a social gathering for seniors at the Nirvana Learning Centre at least twice per month.

On a yearly basis, NHF offers a generous grant to support the humanitarian activities of the Camal Home, an Albion-based orphanage.  During their recent cultural tour of Guyana, executive members of NHF, which included Deochand, and Parbati Tej Singh, presented to Mrs Kissoon, the Director of Camal Home, a check of GYD$400,000 to build the front fence of the orphanage’s compound.

During 2013, as in prior years, all proceeds generated from NHF’s cultural programmes in Guyana were funnelled into charitable institutions to support their projects.  One of these beneficiaries is the Saraswati Vidya Niketan which has been a recipient of Nirvana’s generosity for many years. The Shri Krishna Mandir of New Amsterdam, East Berbice, and the De Edward Village Mandir, West Berbice, have also benefited from Nirvana’s largess in support of their temple construction projects.

In a press release, Deochand stated that the Nirvana Humanitarian Society has depended exclusively on the patronage of the Nirvana Humanitarian Foundation in the U.S. for funding of all its programmes.  He added while this is a commendable gesture on the part of NHF, local support, particularly from the business community and voluntary assistance from the communities served by Nirvana, will give the local charity the flexibility to extend its altruistic programmes to a wider group of needy citizens.

Deochand also mentioned that calls for Nirvana’s support have become more vocal and persistent from schools, orphanages, and the needy.  To respond to these pleas, Nirvana emphasizes its commitment on a long-term basis to serve the Guyana’s community, and sends out an appeal to the Guyanese community including businesses, professionals, and local volunteers to support its programmes.

For more information on the foundation, visit


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