The newly-elected administration will need to deliver results

Dear Editor,

Congratulations to the newly-elected officials of Guyana.  You truly deserve to celebrate your accomplishment.

We all sing “Dear land of Guyana” and I truly believe that no matter how far away you roam, creek water and labba will draw you back to “O beautiful Guyana”, so I celebrate with you!

The people have spoken, though by a small margin, but they have spoken for a change.  This change is not only for a new administration.  It is for a new culture within the administration.

The people need to know, without any doubt, that they have strong leaders.  Leaders whose agenda represents the best interests of the people and the country.  We need leaders who value people.

The timing is right.  It’s a time when this newly elected administration can leverage the skills, talents and resources available both locally and internationally to truly move Guyana into the 21st century.

Of the many things that are at the top of the agenda, I think first, you will need to win over those who are still doubtful and will be apprehensive.  The margin of victory clearly proves that there’s a great divide amongst the people.

Guyana is a diverse nation that lacks unity.  Over the past few days the international press corps have seen this division and they have reported on it to a great degree.  The new administration need to work to change this image.

Guyana is a nation of six peoples/races. It’s time to see people for who they are and not the texture of their hair or the colour of their skin. Let’s build a nation where everyone truly feels like a Guyanese. It is possible.

Then, we need an administration which is disciplined and professional in their operations.  Any appointed Minister who shows lack of respect for citizens and abuse of power doesn’t deserve to be a representative of the Government and must not be allowed.

Any representative whose conduct is unbecoming of an elected official doesn’t deserve to represent the people of Guyana.

The people of Guyana deserve better.  It is my strong belief that if there is a culture of respect, discipline and professionalism, amongst other qualities and character traits, at the top of the pyramid, it will cascade down to the bottom.  It will take time, but it must be done.

The next five years is where the real victory lies.  The citizens of Guyana will need to be patient for change to come but, they must see evidence.  The newly elected administration will need to deliver results.

To the people of Guyana, everyone, be humble and gracious.  Think about this: Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison and when he was elevated to his destiny, he was humbled and forgiving.

One People, One

Nation, One Destiny!

A Patriot

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